Tough On Crime, Tougher On Grime !

It seems that every step we take and every move we make in our towns and cities is watched by CCTV cameras. We are one of the most watched nations in the world. All in the name of crime prevention we are told.

However, it seems the police are getting some of their own medicine as a CCTV camera is about to be installed at a police station in Brighton to catch officers who refuse to wash up ! It seems that the tidier officers have complained about others leaving the canteen untidy, spilled food not being cleaned up and other general mess.

Not surprisingly officers are up in arms about the new covert camera and are worried  about what else it may catch them doing. Police authorities say that the new camera is already owned by them and that no extra money is being spent and that they don’t want the police canteen looking like a pig stye !





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